February 02, 2008

Chinese New Year Cupcakes

Requested by Sandra
Requested by Cat


MamaIrfan said...

Hi Faye,
I would like to order carrot cheese cup cakes for this CNY please.. I would like to order 50 cup cakes please or I must order more than that..? and how much they will be ya?
May I have ur email please,
mine is tatyms78@gmail.com
thanks in advance!

queen quirin said...

business.. business.. money is coming in lor

Deana E said...

later you apply jadi her assistant baker quirin..hehe

bZbee said...

i cant believe that i had this for supper..b'fast and dinner!!..thx cat for bringing this o'er..hehe..sadapla faye..

Donna said...

wahh... cupcake for supper,bfast and dinner??? you and cat ja makan ka?.. :)

C A T said...

ya ba sadaps eh!im getting so 'godoot' like bzbee od. she forgot to mention we took it with donutssssss oso. 4 of us eating. CNY cupcakes in advance bah hihi.

Donna said...

yea.. I saw the donuts in her blog.. that one sold in Citymall ka tu? I haven't try thosela..